You were there, in my time of need;

From its prison, my heart you freed.

You were always thoughtful and very giving,

Showed me life really was worth living,

Comforted me when I was sad

But only shared when you were glad.

You made me laugh, you made me cry,

Then broke my heart.  I wanted to die.

Walking away with no word wasn't fair,

But I want you to know that I still care.

Your problems you would not share with me,

But I think I have solved the mystery.

The one for whom your heart did yearn,

Could not love you in return.

She destroyed with hate, your life's plan;

Leaving you heartsick, hopeless, a broken man.

You truly loved her, although she left,

You love her still...without hope...bereft.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written April 11, 2003.

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Nicole Clark's picture

Wow that was good!
Im a girl and I can relate!
Great Poem!
Keep it up!

Ashley A's picture

i really like this, your timing is impecable.
email me or see my work the third ashley a on the list :)

jgupta's picture

This is a lovely poem about the broken man. It hurts to feel the hurts. Keep going.