.13.. fleeting moments


is it unlucky

when i try to reach my goals

and do not

or is this a matter of circumstance

surely you know it is

neither of these

it is all up to you

love a person, love life

love yourself

what you do, all of these

are the same

they all come from you

it's all up to you

the fleeting moments

in your grasp

let them fly with such joy

from within you, this is you

part of you, all of you

living now, for today

reject them -- you die

in every instance

not demanding

not leaving

for such would reject

what you love

not running away

but surrounding your life

and your heart with your loves

with your very own breath

let this be true

for every moment

this is how it is

for every fleeting

savoring, loving

heartbeat of your life

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Afzal Shauq's picture

wonderful... the poem is done in very rhythmic way and can be visualized too... your comments on my poems are be appreciated.. hope your comments on my other poems will be there in litle detailed form to add your comments in my new book... your poetry is really impressive and meaningful.... I am known as peace wiher poet and here is my famous say ....((( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq )))hope you keep this say in record and pass on to your friends and fans..

C. Hill's picture

I see you have done it again John touched the flame and make it to shine out where other can see it... you have drew form that well of emotions as only you can.you are what i always known a very talented writer that speak with passion....sign (lady whisper)christina