

I walk an empty hall
No ear to hear my call
Empty faces with no significance
Not one with any relevance
Would they care if I die today?
If I died what, would they say?
They don't care
That's not fair

I round the corner, what do I see?
A friend who know me
I walk up and want to be kind
But he talks to the girl I'm behind
So I look at them, with a frown
And I know they don't care that I'm down

I listen to my friend, who's also my crush
If that's mentioned I'd blush
The fantasies on my head come to an end
As she mentions her boyfriend
I'm crushed. I'm beaten, I'm down and I'm out
I look at her face, no pity or doubt
I smile and listen although I feel sad
She talks of her boyfriend, oh now I'm mad

Next is my smart friend I relate to a lot
We can txt about things, or so I thought
No vibrate, no lighting, no ringing to be heard
Just a nice day with the chirping of a bird
He answered "I'm busy with school work"
I'm angry at him but he's no jerk

This friend I made over the summer
After steak, potatoes, and butter
I ask her if she wants to sit on the bus with me
But she tells me it cannot be
I sit alone, she doesn’t even come close
Tossed away like a piece of burnt toast

So now I'm alone, in my house, on my bed
And I’m glad you read what I've said
There are others I can tell you about
But these are the ones I let out

I'm sad, I'm lonely, I'm empty and depressed
I look at my phone and buttons I press
I look at the names and think of friends
Then I think these friendships just lead to an end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was really sad when I wrote this but as I wrote this I got back my optitmism.

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Elfy's picture

I felt you in this poem, your

I felt you in this poem, your heart spoke loadly, and it hit me. lol
It was sad, that they treat you this way, they should be there for you,
and notice when something is bothering you.
I dont no why people are like this, it bothers me fiercly.
But seriously, Ill be your friend. I dont say those, words, unless they are ment.
I give my friends, a shard of my heart, to keep in theres forever, as long as they would like me to be there.
IF you would like this, then say so.
Ill be your friend, ill listen, talk, help, bs a bit lol, and just be there when needed.
Even if it was just a bad day, ill be here.


saiom's picture

Your comment speaks of how

Your comment speaks of how writing can renew our spirits.
A DC poet named Michael Wilson wrote
' a man's heart saddened... a poet's heart gladdened'
or words to that effect.

I have heard that to create supply one must make a vacuum by giving
something away. It is always sooner or later replaced with something better.

That is also true of depression, imho... of reaching out to the lonely.
Thank you for a thoughtprovoking and deep poem.



twisted_soul's picture

thanks for the r and r, read and reply

thank you for reading my poem it did come from a deep part of my heart and i honestly didnt want to believe it was true but it was i bet all the "friends" i've mentioned wont even call or txt which takes little to no effort. ironicly too i am a optimistic and friendly person.