you take it all to fucking serious
I cannot lie, I am done and through with this
Full of nothing, is what we've become
I could die, I feel so dumb...
A 'one night stand' is all it means to me
Full of I'll just forget
Forget that whole day and everything that happend
I'll burn this place and get rid of the memories
Set me free, I ask of you
Do what you want, I'll do the best I do
Kill me off, let me feel so used
And abused...but so are you...
Just write me off
here's my comment:
and I hope you get the main message of I'm just scared, I'm writing to let out my fears, I need you as my friend, so why do you keep walking away? Live your life I don't care. I'm willing to be alone in this world and to face what lies there. Don't feel like you have to get out of a friendship because of something stupid. I don't feel that way. You're my friend DUH! So get over it.