Don't Fall Down

We juggle it around just like a little game

Little do we know if it falls it falls in vain

We all live this little life

Always walking on the bridge

We don't want to weigh too much

Cause then we fall

Our heart and all

Emotions will weigh you, depression, anger, anxiety

Where does all this happiness come into play?

Living life too it's fullest without missing a step

We don't want to trip and fall to the ground

We all grow up to just fall down

We all turn into ashes or get burried in the ground

We live in frail bodies that always bring us down

All this gravity pulling all of us to the ground

We juggle it around just like a little game

Little do we know if it falls it falls in vain

We all live this little life

Always walking on the bridge

We don't want to weigh too much

Cause then we fall

Our heart and all

Give way to all the Angels who hold our burdens high

They catch them as they come and hold them so we will not die

Never take them for granted, they will not always be around

They are there just long enough to keep you from falling to the ground

Once the end of the bridge is met

We get to meet our maker

For some, they lose sight of the end

They live life like it's pretend

They never make it to the stopping point of juggling everything

They take a few wrong steps and plummit to the ground

Then they fall

Their heart and all

Don't lose sight of your destination

There is no telling when you will make it to the end

Just keep juggling all those heavy things

And walk at a steady pace

This life we live was meant to give us all preparation

To a life we only know in dreams and all of the in-betweens

We juggle it around just like a little game

Little do we know if it falls it falls in vain

We all live this little life

Always walking on the bridge

We don't want to weigh too much

Cause then we fall

Our heart and all

Down to the ground

God won't be around

Don't fall down

Author's Notes/Comments: 

After watchin tonight's Joan of Arcadia...they made a good point. We are always juggling everything that weighs us down as to not fall off of the bridge we are walking on called "life."  This poem goes along with that point they made, and i think that everyone needs to realize how easy it is to fall off the brige if we aren't careful...take this one as a bit of advice

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Danielle Wagner's picture

Joel this is AMAZING! It's well-written and so easy to relate to and it makes sense!:D