What happened when I broke?




A little anger

A little pain

When will this end?

I don't know what happened

I don't know where to re-begin

Everything went by so fast

I thought I had missed it all

I still don't know what to believe

I don't know what to concieve

I cannot tell you what happened

Breaking open

My heart filled with yours

Why did it have to be this way?

I feel more fear

That I cannot get back what we once had

Something I had always dreamed about

Go back and read

All the letters I wrote

Right here on this very page,

I hope I can talk to you again

I probably will forever choke again

To love you with everything is not a sin

Broken, I feel

Hurt in denial

A little more tension

A little less comprehension

Is what I feel now

I feel forever choked...

Please tell me,

What happened when I broke?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Still don't know, I think this is the last poem about this subject for a while...maybe I was a lil too obsessed.  Only I thought you were too...sorry.

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