The Lonely Train

I saw you sitting there beside the train…

With your head in your hands- u were in so much pain…

But there is more to life- there is more to gain-

So I sing this song as it starts to rain…

He said that he wouldn’t forget the way you smiled

Cuz it reminded him of a little child…

So his love for you will never grow old

And his warm, warm hand will never get cold

He cried when all the times were bad-

It hurt him so much- it made him so sad

But now he is just trying to get back on his feet tryin to move on-

But he feels so week, and yet he is so strong

He didn’t think about how he would feel

He just kept riding on- with a broken wheel…

He rode so fast- he got so tired

And he was so great, yet not admired

And it hurts him true to this very day

He used to love the world in every way

But it turned its back and so did he

But without you, he just wouldn’t be…

Now that you know how he feels inside

He couldn’t take it anymore- so he went for a ride

But the sad part is- that he didn’t come back

So now he’s sitting by the railroad track

He’s just sitting there thinking about his life

He knew it would be hard- livin without a wife

He got that chance- and he blew it bad

So now you know why he’s so sad

He just hopes you think about him every day...

Because he loves everything about ya- in every way

So don’t forget the shining star-

I bet ya didn’t know ya could see that far

He looks at it and thinks to the past

He remembers that wish- about how long they’d last

But now all his time is gone…

He can’t go back, so he’s gotta move on…

The times will change and the will go

But don’t depend on them to go slow

They seemed so fast it seems right now is the past

So don’t make a promise if you know it wont last…

I saw you sitting there beside the train…

With your head in your hands- you were in so much pain…

But there is more to life- there is more to gain-

So I end this song with the verse that first came…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Lots of metephores in this is pretty deep.  Writtin a while go like most things on my site were...

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