
I say I am coming down to fullfil my promise

Yet you make it seem like it's the end

Why you gotta say those things

And try and push me away

It makes no sense at all

If I want to, and I want to

What I'll go through

Just to see you

Please don't change my mind again

Not when i tried so hard to make it

I made a promise and I am not going to break it

This is my chance and I am going to take it

I know I can see you again

But this is one chance that I will not give up

Don't make me cry and fall down on my knees

I just want to take my mind off of things

While I get to see you

I never know what is wrong

What I said to make things change

But I know I want to see you


Is only a few days away

Here comes my chance to make everything Ok

If only just for a day

I'll forget my mind and then I'll be ok

Give you my gifts and my promise that I will stay

Forever and today


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I think this is all pretty self explanitory, but I wanted to add that this girl must not know how much it would mean to me to be accepted once again for just a day where nothing can go wrong. **In Memory of a Tuesday well spent about a month ago..together...**

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