'13 An Emotional Metaphoric Crash Course in Aeronautics



Come on girl, what are you waiting for!

Take my hand and lets get off this floor
I want to show you something
Don't act surprised, you've felt this before
Ok...are ready? One, Two, Three, Fourrr!
Yes, we're in the air, can you believe it?
Oh come on, open your eyes, witness it!
Isn't it really something?
“It's so beautiful up here I must admit”
You just don't believe it, you must feel it!
You made me feel free of all my troubles
Gave me the inspiration nobody offered
It was truly amazing
The courage to get out of my crazy bubble
To walk away never to end up again in rubble
“Why'd you say that I've felt this before?”
“If I did feel this before I'd've wanted more”
I guess that is another thing
When you did this to me, you did not want more
I did and you didn't even count to four, and let me go
“I am so sorry David, I never wanted it like this”
You ended me without even a forehead kiss
To you, I was just a fling
In fact, I even asked, so how are you doing this?
When you are in love you can do lots of things. 
“I guess that includes your flying lesson?”
Who said anything about a flying lesson?!?
"I was just asking"
I am not the one "flying," love is my pilot
Love was also my pilot when we first met
But there is something that I will never forget
And there is something that I'm going to regret
“What are you saying?”
To me, it was eternity, as for you, a brief moment
If you so loved me, you'd hold me tight to avert mishaps...
“What mis...ahhhhhh!!!”
*In your case, you never did... Hurts doesn't it?

@David Joel Rodriguez
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just writing out of my...mind.

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impyshideout's picture

I liked this read. Checked

I liked this read. Checked out your site. Enjoyed the music. :)

Joel's picture

Thank You Nefaerieous!! You

Thank You Nefaerieous!! You are one of the few that have complimented my site.

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"

impyshideout's picture

I was glad to haves stopped

I was glad to haves stopped in to check it out. :). You can call me Impy. Nice to meet you. :)

ljmills's picture

I just hope the woman who

I just hope the woman who made you feel these emotions,

remembers that Karma is a bitch!

Very heart felt. Made me cry.

Joel's picture

I can't seem to find myself

I can't seem to find myself at the moment miss mills. It is somewhat frustrating that my mind is heating up. "One more degree and I go brain dead."

I revisited an old piece and decided to upgrade it...a tad.

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"

Joel's picture

But not to worry... not all

But not to worry... not all will read it completely...

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"