When is the impossible acceptable?
Is it when you have been beated down so much that you can no longer stand?
You have your hand stretched out reaching for the light hoping that you can find the courage and strength. You are screaming in pain, preying that somehow you can take one last breath just to say your last words. You have come to and accepted in yourself that the impossible is a real thing. Your greatest fear is coming true that you are giving up.
How could you let yourself be so strong and fear the impossible, when fear is only an emotion.
Since fear is only an emotion, does that mean that the imposssible is actualy possible...
Fear... a difficult emotion.
Fear... a difficult emotion. One I have struggled with my whole life. My understanding is that love is fears opposite. And I try to remind myself of this when I am fearful. However it seems to be a challenging struggle. Especially when the fear you have is of love. We should choose the love over fear, should we not? Doesn't love feel better than fear? What do we fear with love? Seems to be the loss of love. So why not love love, and fear fear. And choose love instead of fear?
Sorry for rambling as a comment but my fingers did it... not me. lol
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