
Your no father, your in fact a thief!

You have caused me nothing but turmoil and grief.

Whether you know it or not, you have taken my life.

The pain you have caused rips through me like a knife.

I hope you regret the things you've done to me.

I hope that one day you will open your eyes and see.

All I wanted was your love and to be happy,

but you could never ever provide that for me.

Hopefully one day I may be able to forgive you,

but right now that is something I just can't do.

You live in a completely different world than I,

so maybe its for the best when I tell you goodbye.

I have survived your wrath dad, theres nothing else you can do.

I have nothing else to say; our business is through.

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This was obviously about my father. He passed away about 4 months ago. I can't help how I was feeling at the moment I wrote this, but I do know I wish I would have just forgiven. He is gone now and I do hope he knows that I do forgive him and I hope that he is up in heaven smiling down as I write this. I hope he will be there waiting for me when I pass from this world with outstretched hands.

Juggalette....MCL's picture

wow, this one made me feel like what happened between my dad and i... it made me tear up a little bit, but i really like the way you expressed it. hey by the way, im completely new to this site, and i was wondering if you could maybe help me get to know it a little better, oh, by the way, thank you for the critique, it did mean a lot to me.