Write, right, recognition.
Beautiful conception
Of Biochemical mental condition
lay on the beholders eye.
drives humanity
Conflict over stolen
Indian booty
Fall Titania, for Bottom ass because
Of Puck, who squeezes juice on her eyelids.
Midsummer nights dreams.
the continental drift
Beauty is a matter
That Black Beauty is a horse.
Helen of Troy wars white force.
Cradles of civilisation
Dusk and dawn
Sex facet an
Love philosophy, imagination.
Emerge beyond copulation.
Beauties betoken shapes and size
Bestir Triumphant
Bohemian guise
Architecture par excellence
God in likeness
Abstract, harmonious solace
Art creates, body, education, science.
...well and as keats said: "Truth is beauty
and beauty is truth, that is all we know
and all we need to know." Your poetry
is full of both.
really beautiful piece with many profound truths