Know Where

In eager


Father to son

hurry up.

Mother to child

hurry up.

Teacher to students

Hurry up.

The husband to his wife

Hurry up.

The customer in supermarket

Hurry up.

The cashier counting cash at counter

hurry up.

Highway, speedy car horn from behind

Hurry up.

Tempo fast to experience before it is too late.

Hurry up.

To board an aeroplane queue in for security-check

Hurry up.

Law keepers and detectives chasing the convict on trail

hurry up.

Reach goal, zeal, destination, somewhere knowing it is short to live.

Hurry up.

Fast now, here -- Hurry up.

Hope to leave an imprint

here on a sailing earth, footprints.

No wonder, in ritual, customary Hindus visit

Temples, place of worships bare feet.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

With high speed to Knno-where!
Fast now, here -- Hurry up.
Hope to leave an imprint
here on a sailing earth, footprints.
No, wonder, in ritual, it is customary for many
To pray, visit places of worships bare feet.

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hhickson's picture

It amazes me, people racing around in the cars breaking the speed limit hurrying to places they really don't want to be. They never stop to smell the roses and miss so much.

Hugs and Peace


Ruth Lovejoy's picture

agreed on observation we are in too much of a hurry no matter what we do,where we go today

Karyn Indursky's picture

I'm honored and flattered you chose this piece to share with me. It reminds me of the New York attitude with the hurry up and go, wait. Lol. I'm going to NY for a weekk starting tomorrow. I'll miss you. God bless you and I love you dearly as a friend. Hugs.

Shashi Krishna's picture

A great depiction of what today's "fast paced going nowhere" world has come to. Sometimes caught up in the work zone myself, I think we have adopted this "Hurry Up" attitiude so much that it sometimes ends up hurting us in various ways.I love the ending where you deduce the fact that Hindus go barefeet into temples. All of us are wandering around hoping to leave prints behind, arent we?

A great piece of work here. Well penned.Keep writing.