

I wonder who is dead!

I or they or

Just the feeling in me

I cease to have

Affection, love, and emotion

Even I cannot hate

I cease to have

Possession, give or take

And I cannot relate

I cease to have

Botheration, lose or gain

Even I cannot pain

I cease to have

Imagination, thought and vision

And I cannot dream

I cease to have

Just the missing in me

In the Dungeon of Nothingness..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written in 2001!

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Polly Garay's picture

Oh boy..I can already tell I'm going to be here a while reading your work just from this poem..what a beautifully written poem..I have only been writing for two months, so I'm not an expert, but I can tell art from idle talk..you are truely an artist. I liked the last line.."In the dungeon of Nothingness" With that you have made "nothing" an actual something. Not just zero, past that..like being in the minus, or the hole. Your poem gives the saying,
"It's better than nothing" the best imagery I've ever seen. Very inlightening..Polly

Karyn Indursky's picture

Thought provoking poem. It brought me back to the age old thoughts of how we can be physically alive, but in all other senses dead. When I feel dead inside and alone when I'm physically surrounded by others in a group, I tend to wonder if it's me or them causing these feelings. And your poem demonstrates my sediments without you ever knowing I had these thoughts and feelings myself. That's incredible. Fantastic piece. Never lose sense of who you are and how much your work has impacted me as well as all those who are blessed with reading your poetry.

hhickson's picture

Thought provoking poem. Well written, my friend. "Am dead or are they" or have you just reached a higher plane devoid of emotion but pure logic. You see the world as it is frozen in time and space and can analyze the fruitless comings and goings of our humdrum lives. Hmmmm?

Hugs and Peace


Spaceboy Rocketman's picture

i can really relate to this... it may not have been what you were meaning, but i've been seeing in myself this cessation of dreaming, and of feelings... things just seem to grey with age, and even though i've only had eighteen birthdays it seems time is gaining on me and i'm starting to pass from those eternal days of youth. maybe i was reading to far into this one... but that's the fun of poetry.