At Lunch With Ramases I In Thebes, 2

Some say that heretic (gods damn his soul)

discovered in archives a dusty scroll---

ancient and written by a Hebew slave;

who, having been exalted highly, gave

advice to some Pharaoh then on the throne.

And from that scroll, the recent heretic

learned what the former slave's large family

believed about a single deity.

I too have read it---not that hard to find.

The logic is ingenuous and slick.

and brings strange dizziness into my mind:

how does one god handle all things alone?

How could he make the worlds all by himself?

And why care what some desert tribes believed?

Is that reason all Kem should be deceived?

Such heresy must be wholly spurned.

That scroll should not be put back on the shelf,

but taken to the desert and, there, burned.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem attempts to link the Aten heresy to monotheistic beliefs of the family of Abraham, as represented by Abraham's great grandson Joseph, during his career in Egypt.

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Thank you very much; that

Thank you very much; that means a lot to me.
