@ 27.225 MHz: Avaloniad, 4; Fellowship Of Cousins, 2

The marbled pool has been filled with fresh, warm
water, and the sun's afternoon heat has
made its temperature quite comfortable.
Just a few moments to cross from the manor,
through the back yard, and then into the hedges
that keep the prying eyes of perverts out.
We left our shoes behind, and now our robes fall,
and, wearing only our stockings, we slip into
the water---shallow, touching only our waists
as we sit against one wall.  Only three of us---
backrubs and footrubs for each, and splashes,
and the whispered exchange of secrets, and chaste
desires.   We are cousins and teenaged girls;
what we share together in common means more
to us than differences in looks and interests:
the fourth generation after Joseph, our
our grandparents are Ariel and Iolar.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The image of the three cousins, descendants of Joseph to the fourth generation, bathing in their pool, has been in my mind since 2004.

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