At The Apostle Saint Paul's Remorse

Blinded outside Damascus, for the space
of three days; blinded by Christ's cosmic light,
I felt my inner darkness, long concealed,
made manifest and forcibly revealed
to me.  And with it came the memory
of frenzied fury's eager cruelty
that took the life of Stephen (I consented
to hold that lunch mob's coats).  His battered face
still glowing from the iridescent grace
of Christ, came back into my troubled mind.
And then, crushed by conviction, I repented.
Not too long after, Ananias healed
my eyes---so now I walk by faith, not sight.
In Christ, my soul need never more be blind.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The events mentioned here are described in The Acts of the Apostles.

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yellowspecks's picture

Very very good! I enjoyed this one.