At A Bystander's Understanding

The cross suspends a man above the brink---
the very slippery, shadowed edge---of death.
So hung the carpenter from Nazareth.
He said one last prayer with his final breath,
and then life fled his body, left to sink
upon those blood-stained, rough-hewn, wooden beams.
They carried him into a sepulcher;
then rolled the stone, sealed it, and made it sure.
Two days thence, and before dawn's first faint gleams,
He rose out of the grave, its Conqueror,
and all life changed in less than one eye's blink.
All those who live by His Word, faithfully,
will ever dwell with Him:  eternity
longer than all stars shine, and monkeys stink.



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Monkeys Stink...Ha Ha.
Very good peice i enjoyed the peice very much.
great job. Rae