Eschatology, 1

What goes around must come around---
so the unsaved, lost, have found:
of their sins arises aggregation---
totaled in a grim summation;
without the pardon of salvation---
and leads them into permanent damnation.

Those who insist on independent living,
outside the ark of safety, find Karma unforgiving.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The law of Karma seems to have actually arisen at the time that Cain slew Abel; and, regardless of religion or history, seems to govern those lives and destinies in which Salvation is ignored or rejected.  Salvation, however, is the negation of Karma through Grace.

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rosalind's picture

Thoughtful and instructive. Wisdom is a defence...., and a word is enough for the wise.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

I am soooo sorry I failed to

I am soooo sorry I failed to acknowledge this comment in a reasonable amount of time after you posted it.  But thanks for the kind compliment.
