At Routine Duty On Friday, About Noon

That garden, yonder, is remarkable---
both for location and such beautiful,
lush foliage, cultivated thick and tall.
Fragrance arises like an exhaled breath
and wafts across the ditch, over the bridge,
on to this rock-patch, like a bony ridge
of sorts, resembling (distantly) a skull
(its nickname here).  We are here.  Crucified,
three hang above us, writhing.  Just beside
that yonder garden's fountain is a tomb
(what irony---to put a place of death
amid that blooming life).  Someone must die
to fill that niche.  Oh, look:   the southern sky
shrinks from the sunlight into darkening gloom.

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yellowspecks's picture

Very good! The details are beautiful, and i enjoyed the ending. Rae