What Think Ye Of Christ?, 2

'What think ye of Christ?'
---Matthew 22:42


What have I done with the gift that Christ
gave, through His Grace, to me?
What have I done with His sacrifice
on the Cross at Calvary?

He set me free from the lost world's claim,
and from the wage of sin.
In Him, I have found newness of life
among the Born-Again.

What have I done with Salvation's joy
and the comfort of that hope?
When trouble comes, is my trust secured
in faith---enough to cope?

What have I done with the Word of God---
do I love it whole, or part?
Can anyone who knows me find
its traces in my heart?

How do I treat the folks I meet
(and what have they thought of me)?
Have I served them all, or else have shown
faithless partiality?

What will I do on Judgment Day?
Do I know my name shall be
in the Book of Life? And where shall I
spend my eternity?

'Well done!' will Christ say, heartily---
or will He be ashamed of me?
What have I known, and what have I done,
with the Gospel truth of God's dear Son?




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