Lady Salome's Bare Footsteps, Easter Morning

Forgiven even of the Baptist's death,
I am saved to the utmost.  Now each breath

 is not one less; and closer to damnation.
The morning sunlight and this empty tomb
dispel the shadows of last Friday's gloom
and sorrow.  Hell is conquered, and its loss
is our gain---given from a bloodstained cross.
Our faith is sure, in certainty perfected,
by testimony of Christ Resurrected.
We saw Him, just a while ago---here, walking.
We worshiped Him, and then spent time just talking.
He seems just like He was in Galilee.
Smiling, He said that is how it should be---
unto the full enjoyment of Salvation.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is an original hypothesis, identifying Salome (as mentioned in Saint Mark's Gospel, chapters 15 and 16) as the dancing girl described in the same Gospel's 6th chapter.

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