At Gadara

[For Lady Rae, to whom I promised a satire on the relative morality]


Are we that deceived?
But we have not believed.
We do not like this faith that Jesus teaches.

He says there is one way,
or else the judgment day.
I think this Rabbi really over-reaches.

Here, each may find his path
without risking the wrath
of God, in some Sodom-like punishment.

Logic of human thought
is all we ever sought;
beyond that all may reason as they want.

A man's morality
is individually
determined, as each life is quite complex.

For all to get along,
we cannot point out wrong---
not drugs, or drink, or even kinky sex.

And so we spend our days,
and all have their own ways,
and that---Friend---satisfies enough and fills.

But in the dark of night,
we lay abed in fright
and listen to the demons howling in the hills.





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yellowspecks's picture

I love this peice, you realy are at your best in this one. Very good. And thanks for the dedication.
but those last lines burrr you sent chills down my spine.
again with your work i feel as thou i was there. Amazing. Rae