At The Gates Of Antioch, 1

[for my Sister in Christ, Dianne;
and for our spiritual family now scattered from Airway]


Scattered, since Stephen's death, to other lands
in which we wander, now, like refugees;
and buffeted, as circumstance demands,
we feared and wondered at our destiny
seeming wrong turn.  Hence, from our homeland hurled
(by men of perfidy, steeped in the world),
we wept, and questioned God, and mourned the cost---
thinking that our first fellowship was lost.
Yet, if our lives are truly Born Again
eternally, who cares what "might have been"?
Our fellowship is spiritual:  that way;
we are Together in Christ every day.
We who are made whole by God's wondrous grace
are not divided by mere time and space.

This lively hope revived us, from dead shock,
as we entered the gate of Antioch.                                     

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