At Eden's Gate

It tasted no more sweet nor pungent than
some other fruit.  Nor could they find some hidden
essence---except that it had been forbidden.
That quality will ever tempt a man:
such that the wanting is its sole attraction
(while having brings too little satisfaction).
Thus runs the curse that all, since then, must bear
ever:  the here not quite as nice as there;
the now not like the future or the past;
and something always wrong with first or last---
depending on position and perspective.
Too frequent, universal, and collective---
temptation and desire (joined in collusion)
will wreak upon this world a vast confusion
that God Himself will have to straighten out
(enormous task, of that they had no doubt).
Here, now, began with them sin's great coercion---
to discontent, corruption, and perversion.



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aphlix's picture

God can't judge us...I am an atheist, I'm sorry but I beleive that he really doesn't exist. I feel that if he can't judge us now...Then why should he or how can he judge us when we die?

The only people who judge us for the bad things we do are ourselves.

"It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress."

Judy Costea's picture

Great write and more truth in this than most will realize..Sin we carry and pass onto our children and God is the only one who can fix it... we will one day have perfection in our lives... something I look forward to...
Very good write and really gives the reader something serious to think about...
Peace and Love..