At Nod

You say you have new methods that can train
a girl-slave to desire the kinds of pain
that you inflict upon her; to enjoy
the injury put on her by each toy,
each perverse instrument that you deploy
to bolster up the masculinity
that, in you, is a crippled parody.
You arrogate false titles, such as "lord,"
upon yourself:  these crutches well afford
you some semblance or sense of dignity.
You need all this to keep your conscience proud,
that you might glory in the ancient mark---
of your ancestry, from your forbear, Cain.

Yet now you shiver, as the day grows dark
too early.  You have never seen it so
much like night.  In the distance climbs a cloud:
and you cannot (for all your postures) know
its purpose.  As it quickly makes its rise,
droplets of water spill from churlish skies
accelerating.  This will be called rain.               

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From Genesis 4:15-16; 6:5; 7:12

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yellowspecks's picture

Wow i am not sure i can describe the effect this one had on me. It made me shiver there is something amazing about this peice i think it is the absolute truth it speaks...amazing work. Rae