At The Temple In Jerusalem

Standing beneath the very sky He made
in eons past, He deigned to stoop toward me
and lift me to the light of His kindness.
Nor need I fear the chance of searing burn.

Nervous before His directed glare, they
dropped their clutched stones, one by one, and left us.
Their arrogant self-righteousness could not
eclipse the radiance of His justice.

That was the first peace I had ever felt---
a moment I could close my eyes and know
that no upswung hand moved to strike,
no phlegm-rank spit had launched at me.

"Neither do I condemn thee; go,
"and sin no more"---these words brought sunrise
over the dark horizons of my soul,
the fragments and the fractures of my life.

I once exposed my flesh to other men
for money, or for shelter, or for food.
They used my need to have their own good time,
and cast me out when their brief wants were met.

But---that day!---I disclosed my spirit to Him,
for nothing less than the pure joy of His presence,
the chaste (and almost shy) glow of His smile
as He welcomed me to the fellowship of those who believe.

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Judy Costea's picture

This just goes to show you how much Jesus loved everyone...
This whore was even loved by Him, She was a life who he gave another chance to... If Jesus could forgive a whore and so many others, who are we to hold hatred in our hearts towards others... If a whore can repent and be forgiven, who can say that their sins will not be forgiven if asked for forgiveness....
This is an awesome write...
Thanks for sharing this with me...
Peace and Love...

Karyn Indursky's picture

I can't say that I've seen you write as though you're a woman before, but you did a wonderful job. You used your character well in dressing your lesson of a body being worth more than more and shelter. Yet, you don't tell why you did those things. Maybe, you did that because you're a homeless woman living on the streets trying to feed her starving children, shelter them, protect them, love them, and it's all you can do. Maybe, you're a woman working an upscale job that has your boss sexually harassing you until you feel so worthless that being sold to men for a little bit of money feels normal. Maybe, you're out there working those streets to pay for your mother's heart transplant or some kind of medical help someone you love needs, but the only way you can earn enough money is to sell your body as your soul melts to the gritty ground. In any case, you showed the harsh realities of life and saved yourself by giving yourself to God. Thanks for the journey through your mind and poetry. It's always an interesting adventure that makes me want to go one another one.