Brother Brown's HomeGoing

[after 2nd Samuel 3:38]


A Prince and a Great Man fallen this day, the Bible tells,
and now we say this, too, of Brother Brown.
And yet, because we Christians do not weep and mourn as lost
folks do, our tear-filled eyes are not cast down.

He had a strong and mighty faith, and always testified
about his Savior without hesitation.
His smile, his talk, and every aspect of his daily life
proved, totally, how much he loved Salvation.

I met him back in January, 1994,
right after Jesus saved me from my sin.
Then Brother Brown became, to me, a great example of
the Christian life, redeemed and born again.

He often prayed with me:  and this effectual, fervent prayer
of such a righteous man availed me much
of comfort and encouragement.  Led by the Holy Ghost,
the words of Brother Brown could always touch

my heart.  He cast his cares upon the Lord, and never feared;
nor did he give in to this world's distress.
And, any time I saw him, he showed me the meaning of
that old-time, down-home Gospel holiness.

He was, and is, my elder brother in the Lord.  He kept
the faith.  He loved the old paths' and good way's
truth.  Pillar of the True Church, set apart and sanctified,
he gave to Christ the sacrifice of praise.

Because of Jesus' Resurrection, death has lost its sting.
The grave has lost its ugly victory.
And those who die wholly in Christ will never lose their hope,
but, homegone, enter His Eternity.

And so we comfort one another with Christ's promises
that dry the sorrowful tears, and take the frown
away.  We will be, once again, together in the Lord
with all His saints . . . including Brother Brown.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem alludes to several phrases from the Holy Scriptures:  I leave it to the reader to find them, if so inclined.

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Kim's picture

I just want to say Thank-You for all of your hard work. I think that daddy would be so honored that you remembered him in this way. My glad to know there are others that also love and miss him. I will print this out and give it to my mother and sister. Thank-You for writing this poem.
Love and Prayers in the Lord,

Judy Costea's picture

That was a very beautiful Tribute done in Honor of his Memory. How beautiful the words used to pay Tribute to a fellow Christian man..
Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with me
Peace and Love