Part I: Not Enough
For all the shit I do
That's not enough
For all the words I say
That's not enough
For all the love I give
That not enough
For all the games I would never play
That's not enough
Well fuck it
Cause it's not enough
Part II: Never
Never called you out your name
Never could play a single game
Never said a word that was not true
Never was there a day
Where I falsely smiled in your face
And you never had a clue
Never Never Never
Part III: Had IT
When I throw up my hands
You'll know I've simply Had IT!
I'm through, I'm done, absolutely finished!
You need not think that it's only about you
Cause I've Had IT
Up to right about here with may a situation
I've had it with the list being too big to even list.
I've had it, exceeded my limit for tolerance.
I'm fed up to a point that if I don't loosin my belt
I just might pop.
I've had it so much that the words no longer needs to be discussed.
Part IV: Frustrated
Listen up world
I got a statement or two
A message for all
To take heed to.
See, I grow weary of the manner
For which You behave,
Rudely responsing to my simply request
With a laugh and a slap in the face.
How much harder do you want me to work?
You like doing nothing but play fun and games,
Mostly the one named I Give, You Take.
Now, they say that little things mean a lot
But when there are a lot of little things,
What then do they say?
And what actions do I need to take?
Accept it gratefully, graciously with godly gratitude?
The other alternative may not be to your liking.
You might even end up calling out the word
Bitch to describe it.
You keep bouncing me against a rubber wall,
And I'm getting rather sick
Of fighting and scraping to get out of this pit.
My tolerance and time is running thin.
So I'll end it with this:
I'm at my wits beginning
To change
From completely discontented
And replace it with
Pure Bliss.
Shondrell I like "Statements of Frustration" very much! This is a very good poem and I am glad you wrote it and posted it here. Thank you for sharing. John