Identity Crisis

I play pretend

and fool all of my friends

they belive my lie

my true self will die

i'll be left empty

and won't be me

I'm not perfect or do things right

yet I'm a warrior and a knight

my friends make me out to be more

but I cannot fight for their sake anymore

what's going on inside of me

I despise my own identity

hiding from my reality

putting everyone in front of me

I have to be strong for all of my friends

I have to go on before the dream ends

I will stay alive and hide all of my fear

For the truth I strive until the end draws near

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ever forget how to be yourself? Lost. It's kinda scary.

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Allyson Bond's picture

Hi, I really like this poem. It makes you think, and those are the best ones

James Daniel Darr's picture

often when we are having problems we tend to hide from them seeking a safer place to hide in. and sometimes we lose our indentity while hiding there in our own privet shell.