Hope's Promise

Seated at a corner of Rest Cafe,

the view of a twilight, change of the day.

Pursuited by the mother of nature,

through a huntman's rearsight aperture.

Surrounded by the serenity of silence,

enveloped in eyes of solemn acceptance,

embraced by the arms of another,

the unspoken words of a patient lover.

Kisses that will melt a thousand hearts,

that will mend into whole from a million parts.

Fixing the broken heart with tenderness,

with love, with caring, with wholesomeness.

Moonlight that shines into eyes of fire,

casting its shadows of dark desire,

unforgettable that man are mortal,

unchanged since time immemorial.

Unbreakable is the passion that lingers.

Unfinished so long as my heart remembers.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this while I was on holiday last Dec, in Malacca, at night drinking red wine with an old fren... perhaps i should add that he added some lines too...

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lovely work