Obliquities: The Poet's Homage To Christianity

Those who have written our time's history 

observe the spiritual longevity 

of Biblical Christianity. 

No time, or part, of farflung outer space 

will not hear proclamation of Christ's Grace,


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allets's picture

Or Other Dieties

I doubt we will survive to make it to space to spread the word of the gods. Faith, any faith, anywhere, keeps the population from chaos and mayhem. I just learned that the polar caps melt every 100 thousand years and it has been that long since the last big thaw. We are due for a deluge. - slc



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I agree abut the doubtfulness

I agree abut the doubtfulness of making it into space.  That's why I never think of it as more than science, or space, fiction.  My mention of Christianity is a grateful wink to the two writers who have been heavy presences in my youth, and who have used Christian values and precepts in their space fiction---Cordwainer Smith, and Walter Miller, Jr.  I recommend them both, although Smith makes you work harder because all but four of his stories interlock, and he teases his readers with references that require a concordance to his work (and one has now been written).  Miller is less demanding, because only three of his stories interlock, but he will make the reader cry, story after story.  
