For Hauptsturmführer Amon Goeth

[after Schindler's List]


I do not think that Evil looks like Pan

or Bacchus, or some laughing, pranking satyr

with hoofs.  No:  Evil looks like a man---

an common chap, with power, who is a hater.

His heinous sins occur without least shame,

provided they contribute to the greater

Evil that bears a fierce, soul-stirring name,

or to loud propaganda that lays claim

to some ennobled purpose ("Whom we say---
"must die!").  Then bureacrats compile long lists

of victims (killed by bullets, gas, or fists),

eliminated with efficiency

as ordered, in a well-planned, orderly

process behind gates marked, "Arbeit macht frei."




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Satan Is An Idea

"Work sets you free." Work camps became death camps. 



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Yes, so you picked up on my

Yes, so you picked up on my intention in the concluding line, to reemhasize that what was work/career to Goeth was death to thousands of others.  Thanks for your always consistent understanding.
