When I have been summoned to the Lord---my aging body, dead:
my soul, saved by Christ our God and King, will remain alive.
I hope these poems. in the nearing future, will be read
by those who appreciate them, among whom they will thrive.
J-9thxciv, an Orthodox Christian
That is the only consolation
That is the only consolation for our poems after we've gone. This is also the one shining truth that brings me back to the dead poets society; there is a capacity and gifts that our poems give to others even when we are no longer in the picture. Thanks for sharing.
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
I believe you will always
I believe you will always have a voice, radiant, exceptional and consoling, in the words you leave behind. As for now, may you be filled with peace and healing light.