Lover's Kiss

Lover's Kiss

The moon entices romance and makes passion flare.

Cupid dances rapidly, so suave and debonair.

As the midnight air hugs our bodies tight:

We hold each other as we dance through the night.

Gentle breaths of life are received with every kiss.

Our passion is salvation and love, our wedded bliss.

Holding each other tight is the only support we know.

Though society holds us up, we make our love grow.

The eyes of time may cast our destiny ashore.

With every waking moment then on, I will love you all the more.

Old or gray, it doesn't matter to me.

I will love you always, no matter what our status may be.

Confusion may come along and rear its ugly head.

Our trust will be our guide, we wont be misled.

As I place the golden symbol on your left hand:

We are untited as one and as one we shall stand.

You pull me to your breasts as to put me into your heart.

I embrace you with every warmth of my love, never to depart.

We are embarking on a journey, you and I.

It will only end at the moment that we die.

Even then, our souls will dance across the stars.

Our love is never taken away, true love will be ours.

For that, we must be faithful and willingly insist.

By sealing our special bond, with a lover's kiss.

Copyright ©2004 Carlos A. Cook

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem on a whim, there was this girl who was going through some problems at work and she confided in me and I was thinking about her when I wrote it. I haave this poem and others in my books from my site.

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poetvg's picture

i love this poem
bravo ;*)

awesome i enjoyed it

Sexy Slut's picture

How romantic

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

A beautiful and tender piece ,love it!

Stephanie Philbeck's picture

i love this poem it is so sweet. you're a very sweet guy..there needs to be more guys like you.....i hope i find me a guy like that one day.