

Is it there to punish us,

Or is is it there for us

To learn the meaning of


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Daphne Sullivan's picture

Short and powerful. Excellent.

Soul's Enigma's picture

A very interesting question and I think the answer is probably a little of both. Congrats on the top ten award.

eltrue's picture

Lots of meaning in this short but powerful piece...Congrats! on being chosen in the top ten!

People don't run out of dreams they just run out of time.

Mona Omar's picture

wow what a beautiful short poem yes pain is there to teach us what is pleasure to appreciate everything beautiful we have :)

DaddyO's picture

This poem is reminiscent of the movie "Shadowlands" (Anthony Hopkins, Debra Winger) for it seems to state in a few words the whole feel and intellect of the movie, It is often difficult to comprehand the value of something without understanding its diametric oposition. In this poem you've captured the essence of this truth.

gentle's picture

congrats Kelly for making the top ten. Your words ring truth & reality & makes one ponder the meaning of life. Well done. Amy

Gentle is the night♥

Rachelle Wiegand's picture

Kelly, Very power-packed this one is. A thought-provoking read. They say that without the hard times, you wouldn't appreciate the good. Same concept here. A very well-written, short poem that says a lot! Great work!

Daniel Cole's picture

Crisp and challanging. I think the second thought is the correct one. Have fun,

Kristine Snow's picture

Short and to the point. Says all it needs to say. I like this one. Thanks for sharing. Kris