In this pool of blood i lye wandering what will happen tonite
Will i live to see you again to hold you to touch you to feel your skin?
Or will i die before a new day leaving my heart with you forever to stay
It's getting hard to breathe, to think why did he have to drink?
Why did i have to die to pay for his sins by and by
I hope he will make it to see a new day
To face my family to tell them why i went away
I wish i was home in my bed next to you kissing my forehead
If only he had'nt decided to drive i would get to live to thrive
I hope that you will remember our love and how we thanked those stars above
Its getting dark its lonely here im going now without regret or fear
In this pool of blood ill lye waiting for you by and by
I couldn't believe it when I read this, it's virtually the same situation I was in once, when I was with my ex. Great piece of writing.