The Finish Line




Faint Memories, like shattered glass

Piecing together a painful past 

These scars don't seem to go away

They stay, become a part of me

The rattling door

The quiet thud

To yearn is the only drug

When tears won't come 

My heart beat fast

The finish line

I'm here at last


 © All works  Victoria Embree 

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not_an_addict's picture


''to yearn is the only drug''  how beautiful. and how true, the feeling of addiction (to love, hurt, whatever the case may be) is an addiction within itself. R x

please read my poems, and enjoy the real-life drama that is my life!

allets's picture

Love A Good

great shattered glass image. Somehow, the new mirror has pieces missing or hairline fractures, but finish line is the endgame is the conclusion and the assimilation of experience into acceptance and wisdom. Enjoyed this one, a bit melancholy, but marvelously penned - allets