
Mourning blessings 

Night terrors 

I grope blindly

Caress your bent pages

You lay open for me willfully

as you had a hundred times before

I hold you like I'd have held my son 

Now I hold my empty womb

I stopped asking why

I don't feign to understand the cosmos

Though I have grieved enough for every dying star




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darkpool's picture

Enjoyed, good mix of vivid

Enjoyed, good mix of vivid imagery and clean expression.

Coffeepot's picture

Beautiful write. xP

Beautiful write. xP

Incompl's picture

appreciate it !!

appreciate it !!

Let your teeth show

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Wow.  Those last two lines

Wow.  Those last two lines are among the most powerful I have ever read, in forty-five years of reading poetry.


Incompl's picture

wow thanks so much 

wow thanks so much 

Let your teeth show

allets's picture


scin·til·la - noun
noun: scintilla; plural noun: scintillae; plural noun: scintillas
  1. a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling.
    "a scintilla of doubt" 
    synonyms: particle, iota, jot, whit, atom, speck, bit, trace, ounce, shred, crumb, fragment, grain, drop, spot, modicum, hint, touch, suggestion, whisper, suspicion

    Love "scintillae" the plural noun form. The synonymic connotations are incredible! The mininscule - a small reflection. Neato and heart felt write - longingly sent and artfully received. ~allets~ 




Incompl's picture

I admire your love of words,

I admire your love of words, and knew if anyone would receive this gift of a word, it'd be you. I meant this word as in speck or atom. Something that may seem miniscule. The plural is even prettier! Have a good night!

Let your teeth show

osiriss-'s picture

this is lust

this is lust

word_man's picture

i feel the book is a methapor

i feel the book is a methapor for him

enjoed the read

ron parrish