Until Kingdom Come

Fragile as a swan's neck and as stubborn as a weed

You whisper sweet nothings, bitter as ever 
Life's misery outweighed our simple childish love 
We'll sneak to the pier
And take a dip in the deep dark part with cinder block slippers
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C03ru135c3n7's picture

First poem of yours that I

First poem of yours that I have read, and I am mighty impressed already.


Incompl's picture

Thank you! Always awesome to

Thank you! Always awesome to hear from a great writer. 

Let your teeth show

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you very much for

Thank you very much for that.  I appreciate your praise, although not sure I deserve it.  The main thing, though, is the beauty of this poem.


allets's picture

Great Syntax

I loved the way you put this one together - great composing, Tora. ~Stella~




Incompl's picture

Thank you, Lady A! No time to

Thank you, Lady A! No time to write lately, but I want to make time.

Let your teeth show

allets's picture

My Dell Died

writin on iPhone sucks. A reason 2 wrire shot verse