

I stepped into your shoes

I made you better than before

I walked the path you walked a thousand times or more

I smiled your smile and laughed your laugh

When I peered in the water I was taken aback

Wise eyes

Crooked nose

Endearing grin

I stepped from your shoes and dove in 

Emerged, dripping 

I felt you melt away until you were nothing but a pang in my chest

I held you no longer, released you

Young and unstinting, an artless butterfly

I'm no cocoon


Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my father

View incompl's Full Portfolio
Timeful's picture

I lost my mother a while ago,

I lost my mother a while ago, and I can't remeber much, except masking myself. It's a really great representation. Of what I felt.n

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest. 

Incompl's picture

Thank you!

I glad you could resonate with it, and I'm truly sorry for your loss. Take care!

Let your teeth show

Timeful's picture

Thanks, yout too!

Thanks, yout too!

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest. 

9inety's picture

an excellent

connection between what is and what was and all that was and is to become you...

here is my mirror in reverse



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Incompl's picture

Maybe he feels the same,

Maybe he feels the same, though I'll probably never truly know, thank you for giving me  yet another wonderful piece to read <3 

Let your teeth show