There is no difference between right or wrong


guilt is a fallacious modality

to make one subservant

to imaginary moral principles,


it is a essentially a lie,

someting that only exists

in the mind, because the mind

is good at lying, because the mind

wants to bring order to the chaos 

but it is really the chaos bringing chaos

by superimposing its ideas or conceptions

onto the material world.


An animal has no sense of right or wrong,

an animal does what it wants,

and we too are animals,

but why dont we do what we want?


Essentially we are denying our true nature,

we our living in an artificial reality,

we have thus created through false conceptions

of how entitities should operate.

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DivineGoddess111's picture

Absolutely. This is bold and

Absolutely. This is bold and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.