Falling Apart

Death and dying

I'm falling apart,
pieces everywhere
breaking to shreds,
with no one to care

I'm changing fast,
for the worse
everythings goign down,
just like a curse

I'm going through tough stuff,
and its hard to get by,
knowing a loved one,
is going to die

I'm feeling pain,
I want it to go,
I dont want to be depressed,
dont want people to know

I'm going crazy
nuts and insane,
my tears keep on falling,
just like the rain

everything is terrible,
and I want to cry
please dont go aways Maize,
please dont die...

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Afzal Shauq's picture

its really a good and impressive poem perfectly done with good idea.. hope you go through my poems too and comment..I am basically known as a peace wisher poet with 6 books published and dream for peace still... love good friends who sing the song of love and peace... let me sahre one of my own says....(( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with..afzal shauq )) hope you be with me to make the ailing world medicate with love feelings ...in poem form

Christine Mullane's picture

That was a really beautiful poem, i know what it is like to have to watch as someone you love comes closer and closer to death, but although i don't have any solution to make it easier i know writing helped me, your poem really was great and was filled with emotion

kiddo_catastrophe's picture

ok this is really good and has feeling and makes u wanna cry at the end. *hugs* im sorryful