On Fucking Everything Up, All the Time

She said, "I'm afraid you're going to end up lonely."

And I said, "Me too."

But what I was thinking was more along the lines of, "I'm not afraid of loneliness anymore. I know I'm going to live my life alone. I can't get close enough to anyone to feel anything. I'm turning cold and THAT's what I fear."

Who knows what she would have said to that. I was unable to say it to her because of my innate need to shoot myself in the proverbial foot in these matters.

She laid herself bare and I lead her on. Why? I don't know. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism. Make her hate me to avoid the risk of becoming involved. Now I just have to ask myself, "Are you happy with yourself?"

An emphatic "no" would answer that question sufficiently. But doing what will suffice was never my forte.

Another sparkling opportunity squashed out of existence by my disability.

I wonder if my disability might net me one of those cards to hang in my rear-view mirror. As I can never do anything right, I think I deserve some kind of break... What's one lousy parking space anyway?

She said, "I'm afraid you're going to end up lonely."

And for all the thoughts swirling around in my head at that moment, all I could muster was, "Me too."

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thank youu.
man, this makes me want a boy to lean on me. I think my answer would be "yes" though.