What are you talking about? You don't know.

And what could be more thought-provoking than why?

Nothing in my less-than-humble opinion

Curiousity inspires the greatest of thoughts

Forget necessity

Just because it doesn't make YOU think

Doesn't mean it's not thought-provoking

Why is not a question but THE question

Know it. And know the answer.

And if you don't, think.

You miserable peice of shit.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You don't fucking know. Close-minded moron.

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Alissa Brent's picture

thank you for reading some of my poems. and for the tips, but as for the poem "preps", yeah maybe i did stoop to their level, but not for long, and it was stupid of me, everyone makes mistakes. But all the ones i have met, have been this way to me and my friends, and not even us, but others also. You should see my school... wow, just the most horrable people, and i know it's everywhere, but i havnt been to alot of places, and its all i know.
...but i really like this poem!!
..so you dont think i should rymne as much, i try not to in some of my poems, but they never seem to make sense after i write them, its just words blotted on a paper!..

Carrie Elizabeth's picture

I must say... you speak the truth of what is real ..you have guts to say things that most people wouldn't admit to thinking about.. I couldn't have said it better myself..Bravo

Claire Glover's picture

very intresting... lol
-Claire Glover