If you are a dickhead, don't read my writings. You won't like them, and worse, you'll try to damage my esteem and raise yours by telling me that it sucks. So, unless miserable failure makes you feel better about yourself, you are wasting your time. Because no half-wit asshole on the internet is going to make feel bad about what I write. Why, you might ask... Two reasons: a. I don't hold my writing in particularly high regard, and b. I don't hold your dick-headed opinion in particularly high regard.
No one misconstrue this... I greatly appreciate constructive criticism. If you think I suck, that's wonderful. Tell me about it. But if you can't say why, and I mean specifically, then don't waste your time.
Thank you for saying what i've been trying to say. I didn't want to say anything to piss people off but you showed that you don't care if you piss people off. You are who you are and if ppl don't like it then tough. I really admire that. Thank You for saying the truth. We hardly hear that nowadays. I'm glad I read this, and I didn't waste my time. Your work was worth it! I especially liked your comment on the poem "to the arabs and jews" you said the truth. Good job
I like the fact that you just don't care what others have to say...these are your writings..about what you feel and see and experence...some people just CANT understand and when they CANT they get fustrated sometimes and blow off about how the poem sucks...well, that's just so lame...good job in letting them know how you really feel.
haa im really glad i wasted my time too nice!!!
Honesty is what many lack these days...Steve, you have the honesty that is needed.
If ones suck, so be it...who can really say who is good or not anyways, right? We are all imperfect and probably could care a less about the other person...all self consumed. Ha!
I'm glad that I wasted my time reading your disclaimer...every word you said is the TRUTH. ;)