Not Titled (war)

Stuff that sucks.

Verse 1

ghastly gawking guardians

everything has changed

lifeless loveless leeches

sucking souls away

careless callous carrions

death has met our friends

sickly soulless stationeries

are means to our ends

drop a bomb upon my head

drop a bomb upon my heart

do it in the name of god

and tear my body apart


attack our men and we will only

negotiate for peace

attack our leader and we'll only

negotiate for peace

attack our children and we'll only

negotiate for peace

but when you attack our psyche

the negotiations cease

verse 2

thankless thoughtless thieves

stealing life so precious

docile distilled diplomats

stalling counter measures

paling peering powers

hide and watch behind their borders

cold clandestine cowards

hide there too and give their orders


attack our men and we will only

negotiate for peace

attack our leader and we'll only

negotiate for peace

attack our children and we'll only

negotiate for peace

but when you attack our psyche

the negotiations cease


drop a bomb upon my head

drop a bomb upon my heart

but can you fit one in my ear

to blow my mind apart?

that is where the hope lies

that is what will see us through

we must remain free thinkers

and not get caught up in

the hysteria that follows an attack

of this nature and magnitude


attack our men and we will only

negotiate for peace

attack our leader and we'll only

negotiate for peace

attack our children and we'll only

negotiate for peace

but when you attack our psyche

the negotiations cease


that is where the hope lies

not in the special mental ties

which bind our losses

to our to our fingers

which connect directly to our guns

but in the might that we possess

to live our lives to their fullest

without the need to harm

nor exact vengeance

on those who do things dissolute

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another song... Lots of aliteration.. Woo!

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dangerous_addiction's picture

regardless of what john says i like this... a lot... i like all of your work and LOVE your approach... especially your disclaimer. john is obviously mindless and naive. and by the way, in the second to last verse you repeat "to our"

john's picture

im sorry but this simply sucks. id like to drop a bomb on your head for this piece of shit.