There was nothing there
And so it started
On the day
My sense departed
But not my senses
They held fast
Feeling feelings
So intense as
Twould be to
Light a fire
in your hair
shine the spotlight
and just stare
stare at something
in despair
(my head is not on fire but my heart is
on fire cause you are a burning ball of
beauty and i dont know what to say)
though intrigued
I could not move
Until the words
had spilled from you
my surprise
it was quite thorough
your hair was tied
your brow was furrowed
begging of me
whats my name
in my heart
you lit a flame
flaming words
of my own came
(my head is not on fire but my heart is
on fire cause you are a burning ball of
beauty and i dont know what to say)
like a door
had just been opened
I spoke and
You listened
Your eyes twinkled
Your lips glistened
All the while
Feigning interest
In what it was
I had to say
You could have told me
Go away
But you thought
That I should stay
(my nose was broke when you slammed
the door you opened in my face when i
tried to walk through it to you, why?)
That's what haunts me
to this day
nothing but
the evil way
that you passed al of your
gross disgust
off as something
more than trust
sinister dreamings
in an inkling
of a thought
back and forth
you must have fought
in the end
twas all for naught
(my nose was broken when you shut
the door you opened in my face when i
tried to walk through it to you, why?)
yes you wrenched
my wretched heart
your intention
from the start?
Could’ve been
Ill never know
Maybe not
But maybe so
Probably I'll never see
I'll forever
Have this doubt
This want to know
What twas all about
This need to figure
Your mind out
(my heart isnt broken yet but i dont
think you're finished with it yet so
let me know when i can get it back)
A pure need for
Simple closure
Else I may not
Keep composure
And if you see
What you have done
Then I have lost
And you have won
I have lost
And you have won
(you burned my heart like you
burned my *** and i cant quite
walk right cause the char marks)
my god.. i really like it. i have no critiques. only a comment. an amazing song. your words seem made for paper.
oh yeah and I love the part about her being a ball of burning beauty... it sounds hypnotizing.. the title should be based on that somehow maybe..
Interesting song... sorta has the same theme as one I wrote... "Tell me Why the Water Ripples"... seems like your poems a all angst towards women who have apparently stabbed you in the back..