They Fall From the SKy

They fall from the sky

Crashing Down like lost Dreams

Taking with them the young and the old

Wether or not they hear the screams

Of their song, a tale of Death to be told

Clouds of dust rise

Almost as if they carried lost souls,

Released with a mighty thud

Belongin to those who stood fast or ran slow

Red on his hands

As though painted by the insane

A genius piece of artwork

of lives that will never be the same

Author's Notes/Comments: 

After a mortar attack

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Kendra Fields's picture

This poem is very deep. Reading it, sent chills up my spine. You have a very good way with words. I felt your emotions.. very passionate

Jessica's picture

i really like all your works i give them applaudes and bows.

Amanda Nava's picture

I'm just so glad that you didn't get hurt. How scary that must have been. Keep on writing. You're an inspiration to all.