All around me

tension mounds

On top of tension

as they fall

And all plans fail

But I will be fine.

I know all I see

piles heavy like pounds

Although I never mention

Inside I recall

And all heads to hell

But Dammit I'ma be Alright.

They tell it should bother

like it bothers them

but I learn from theirs

as though they were Mine

I could listen to my mother

or my father, even him

and let myself be killed by cares

as if it weren't enough to kill me in time.

So I trust my heart

and my soul

I won't fall apart

and let go.    

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When I'm surounded by conflict I decided not to let shit get to me.
They say I should care about things like them but I look at them and kno what I need to do.

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Brook B's picture

I can really relate to this poem probably more than any of your others. You have a unique style of writing, keep it up.

PE@CE and God Bless!

Nikki Reents's picture

Hey...Thanks for your comment :-) I really enjoy your poems as well. Some are harder to understand than others, but thats what I love about them. It causes me to remember those the best. I love your style of writing. I chose to comment on this one cuz I can really relate it to right now. My life's been throwing some pretty big rocks at me lately, but I know in the end I'll be okay. The sun is coming and the rain will stop :-) Never stop have an amazing talent...
